Minnie & Dusty
Meet Minnie & Dusty our beautiful girls. The girls are 8 years old. They have been in our care for a few months now and we would love to find them their furever family!
Minnie and Dusty are sisters and they are very bonded so they need to find a home together. When they arrived into our care they were very shut down and stressed but now they are completely different girls.
Our girls are not only loved by the volunteers but by the other cats. We often find their housemates in bed with them and sometimes it’s up-to 6 in a bed at a time.
Minnie and Dusty would make the best companions due to their sweet, settled and affectionate nature. Dusty without fail always presents herself to ensure she gets her pets and tummy rubs which she LOVES! Minnie will always sit up like a refined young woman also so she doesn’t miss out on any pets or cuddles.
These girls truly will bring so much love and happiness to a family. All we ask is for someone to invest the time with them at the start and then reap the rewards.
Could anyone open their hearts and home to our two gorgeous girls? Could they be your new two best friends?