Meet Boots
This handsome young man arrived into Almost Home in August. Isn’t he just lovely?!
Boots is around 3 years old. We would love to tell you all about Boots as he is the sweetest boy.
Boots arrived into our care as a very shy and stressed soul. He has made so much progress with all of the volunteers in AH and his feline friends have also aided his growth in confidence.
✨ A Message from Boots ✨
Hello everyone,
I have been in Almost Home for over 4 months now.
I love all of my human and feline friends in AH they have helped me with my nerves and enabled me to trust again.
I used to get overwhelmed by affection but now I enjoy my pets and chin rubs from my human friends. 🥰
I can be shy and reserved when I meet new people, but once I learn to trust you and become comfortable you will see my soft and loving personality emerge.
I have my paws crossed that someone will come to visit me soon!🤞🏼❤️